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Other Recent Publications
1 / Back-to-School Shopping Pushes My Executive Functions Beyond the Brink, ADDitude Magazine, 2022
"Last weekend, I realized it was time to buy supplies for my daughters’ upcoming school year, so I did what any reasonable person with ADHD would do: I avoided back-to-school shopping by throwing myself into a different — and completely unnecessary — task." Read more . . .
2 / Roe’s Overturn Sabotaged My Executive Functioning, ADDitude Magazine, 2022
"I was in the middle of researching why women die when I found out that the U.S. Supreme Court had overturned Roe v. Wade." Read more . . .
3 / An Elemental Blessing, Unitarian Universalist WorshipWeb, 2022
"May your kindness abound like hydrogen,
Which fuels every star
And is the most plentiful element in the universe."
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