Falling Lessons Q&A

10 Random Facts
About Me

I have synesthesia and associate numbers with colors. (When I imagine a 1, it’s always lemon-drop yellow. When I imagine a 2, it’s always sherbet orange . . .)
I once wrote Anthony Bourdain a letter, asking what his favorite punctuation mark was. He wrote back. His answer? The em dash.
When I was in fourth grade, Erin Moran visited my elementary school in Parsons, WV, and signed autographs after our lunch period. Don’t know who Erin Moran is? That’s OK. Neither did I.
I was born 10 weeks premature and weighed just 2 pounds and 14 ounces. That’s lighter than the average cantaloupe.
I’m left-handed.
I can’t smell stinkbugs.
I love snakes but am unnerved by goats.
At one time or another, I have semiseriously considered the following careers: beekeeper, welder, priest, electrician, pharmacist, clown.
I am currently learning how to throw someone with a cane.
I already know how to throw someone with a remote control.